Basic Policy on Information Disclosure

Nitta Gelatin Inc. (hereinafter “the Company”) discloses information to all stakeholders, including shareholders and other investors, based on the concepts of transparency, fairness and continuity. This is in keeping with the Company’s commitment to valuing communications with shareholders and communities, and to disclosing information in a timely fashion, as laid out in our Principles of Business Conduct.

Information Disclosure Standards

The Company provides disclosure in conformity with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and all other applicable laws and regulations, as well as the Timely Disclosure Rules stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The Company actively discloses information that it believes could be useful to investment decisions even when the information is outside of the scope of laws and regulations, Timely Disclosure Rules and other requirements.

Information Disclosure Methods

Information requiring disclosure under the Timely Disclosure Rules is first disclosed through the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s TDnet (Timely Disclosure Network) system, and then promptly disclosed on the Company’s website. In addition, when disclosing information outside of the scope of the Timely Disclosure Rules, the Company publishes the information on its website.

Forward-Looking Statements

The information disclosed by the Company may contain forward-looking statements related to the plans and forecasts of the Company and the Nitta Gelatin Group. These forward-looking statements are predictions about the future that reflect management’s judgment based on information available at the time of disclosure and are subject to uncertainties. Accordingly, actual results may differ materially from forecasts due to various factors.

Quiet Period

The Company has established a quiet period beginning from the day after the end of each quarter through to the date of the earnings announcement for each quarter, in order to prevent the leakage of earnings information and ensure fairness. During this period, the Company refrains from answering questions or addressing media inquiries about its earnings. However, when there are occurrences of material fact that should be disclosed during the quiet period, disclosure is provided based on laws and regulations and Timely Disclosure standards. Additionally, the Company may make exceptions when it receives requests for the following:


  1. Explanations concerning the Company’s business profile, management plans and related matters for institutional investors and securities analysts newly assigned to the Company
  2. Explanations concerning the Company’s business activities, management plans and related matters, without alluding to progress towards business forecasts, for occasions such as visits to Japan by overseas institutional investors.